StrangeLove Skateboards Hank / 8.625 Deck

  • Sale
  • Regular price $70.00

  • Artwork by Andy Jenkins
  • Manufactured at PS Stix (Heat Transfer w/ Embossed Detail)
  • Dimensions: 8.675 x 32.375
  • Specs: Nose: 7.125 / Tail: 6.625 / WB: 14.5
  • Bonus: Deck accompanied by an 8.5 x 14.0 broadside designed by Andy Jenkins.
  • Product Description: Pedro. Pronounced "PEE-droh." That's how I came to know the blue collar harbor city of San Pedro situated in the taint between Long Beach and Palos Verdes. Jeff Tremaine and Andy Jenkins both lived there in the early '90s, so it wasn't uncommon to end up in one of the many dive bars strewn about town that were once haunted by the local legend likes of The Minutemen or Charles Bukowski. Tremaine up and abandoned Pedro long, long ago for the hills of Hollywood, but Jenkins still holds down the seaport fort—hence our asking him to pay tribute to the two-fisted, brawling, fucking, poetry-writing hero of the gruff yet sensitive working class man. —Cliver